Friday, December 7, 2007

First Daze At the Office

Day 1 finds me well. I brought knick-knacks and pictures to decorate my cube. A floor supervisor dropped by to welcome me and let me know the company policy on personal items in the office. I put away my knick-knacks and pictures. Apparently office stalkers user personal items lying around as a way to seek you out via personal interests, then take out your friends and loved ones while leaving you crank calls and annoying emails. Who knew?

I tried to access my email so that I could warn everyone who had been featured briefly in my cubicle. To my utter dismay, I discovered that the only website available was the company intranet pages. No outside phonelines, either. Damn. I hope everyone's still alive when I get home.

Five minutes after my first meeting of a floor supervisor, and mere seconds after my unsuccessful attempt at email, another floor supervisor came along to let me know the company policy regarding email and internet (intranet only, we are an international island, apparently). In an attempt to smooth ruffled feathers, I explained that I had been trying to warn my loved ones that a possible office stalker may or may not have briefly seen their photos and may or may not have already set out to do them harm. I went on to say that this same potential stalker may or may not be buying my preferred brand of frou-frou hand lotion online as we spoke, along with a plethora of desk toys, and I needed advice should possible potential stalker ask me out.

The policy on inter-office dating was then explained to me in extensive detail - i.e. not allowed - and it was recommended that I refrain from socializing with coworkers.

This place has no sense of humor. And apparently an endless supply of walking employee handbooks running under the guise of floor supervisors... odd.

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